REST APIs were introduced in Signal K server version 2 to provide a way for applications and plugins perform operations and ensure that the Signal K data model is consistent.

The OpenAPI definitions can be found under Documentation -> OpenAPI in the server Admin UI.

APIs available in Signal K server v2.0.0 and later:

APIs are available via /signalk/v2/api/<endpoint>

CourseSet a course, follow a route, advance to next point, etc.vessels/self/navigation/course
ResourcesCreate, view, update and delete waypoints, routes, etc.resources
AutopilotProvide the ability to send common commands to an autopilot via a provider plugin.vessels/self/autopilot

Following is a list of proposed APIs for implementation:

Proposed APIDescriptionEndpoint
NotificationsProvide the ability to raise, update and clear notifications from multiple sources. View PRnotifications
AnchorProvide endpoints to perform operations and facilitate an anchor alarm.vessels/self/navigation/anchor